There are still a few of us who remember
Jacob Figgins, but we are the oldest generation now. So before we're gone, we need to share our memories of Grandpa Jake. We need to tell our stories so they will be available to our children and grandchildren.
Please tell your stories on the Visitor Comments page. Or if you'd like to share photos and other items, feel free to email me. Let's make it a priority to get these stories told.
Now if you are a decendant of one of Jacob's brothers or sisters, tell me their stories, too! There are a lot of them:
Eli, John, Calvin, Henry, Ruth, Jesse, Margaret, Hanna (their mother was Lydia Pierson); and
Louisa, Violetta, Sara, Jacob, Isabel, William, Cora, Dora and Edward (their mother was Sophia Holley Ross).
If a story is a second-hand story, be sure to tell us where you heard it. I will share some of the stories here and at our annual Figgins of Illinois Reunion in June of 2013!